Demo Bridge


The goal of the demo bridge is to showcase the viability of a cross-rollup communication. It is a first-iteration exploration of Wisp aimed at learning the pros and cons of the approach and what are the real-world requirements and implications of such a system.

Another goal of the demo is to serve as an example of the way to integrate with the Outbox and Inbox contracts of Wisp. For more information refer to the Wisp Integration Example page.

In the Demo app, there are only two rollups - Optimism and Base with their testnet versions. Any user can send up to 0.01 ETH from either of the rollups and receive it on the other side.

The sent ETH goes through several phases.

When you send the ETH it goes into the "SENT" state. In it, the ETH is in the source rollup, but the source rollup has not yet anchored its state to L1. The message stays in this state until the rollup does so. On average in the current version of the system, the message stays in this stage for ~5 min.

When the source rollup anchors their state to the L1, the message goes into the "IN TRANSIT" state. In it, the source rollup has included the proof of its state inside L1, but the L1 has not yet been finalized, and the state relayers have not yet produced and submitted the ZK proof inside the destination rollup. The message stays in this stage for up to 16 minutes - 12 minutes for L1 finality and 4 more minutes for ZK Proof generation.

When the state relayers submit the L1 state update ZK proof, the message relayers submit the message delivery transaction. Once the delivery transaction is accepted in the destination rollup, the message moves into the final "DELIVERED" state.


How to interpret the dashboard?

The dashboard showcases several things and aims to show you the inner workings of the protocol.

Wisp Stats

On top, there are three major metrics of the protocol:

  • Total Messages Relayed - How many messages have been relayed since the release of the alpha version of the protocol

  • Average Delivery Duration - how much on average takes for a message to reach its destination

  • Avg. Wisp Message Cost - how much does it cost, in ETH, on average to get a Wisp message sent and delivered

Explore Wisp Messages

The explore wisp messages showcase the most recent wisp messages. Every wisp message has an ID regardless of where it is coming from or going. The table showcases each message, its id, what is its source and destination when was it sent, and how much time it took for the message to reach the destination. Lastly, it showcases the current status of the message. Clicking on each message row leads you to a details page for the message where you can see more detailed information about the message.

Recent Light Client Updates

This section showcases the work of the state relayers. Every row of this table showcases one light client update - meaning a final state of Ethereum verified and posted inside a LightClient contract on a Rollup. This means that this rollup will know the state of Ethereum up to this L1 block number.

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